As a stay-at-home mom, I try and save money any way I can. In my house, laundry pretty much consumes my day (or at least it feels that way)! We are a family of 4, and I do at least 2 loads of laundry a day. This is a huge expense, with laundry detergent, fabric softener, and electricity.
Laundry detergent is something that with the right sale, and coupons I am usually able to purchase pretty inexpensively. My favorite coupon site,, breaks down deals at grocery stores and pharmacies, and locates the matching coupons. I highly recommend this site! I usually pay about $1-$2 for a 50oz. container.
However, for whatever reason, I'm not able to purchase fabric softener and cheaply as I can purchase laundry detergent, so I decided to make it myself. And honestly, it works!! It works better then some of the cheaper brands I have purchased!!
Here's what you need:
5 Cups Water
3 Cups White Vinegar
1 Cup Hair Conditioner (Any brand or sent you choose)
Simply put all of the ingredients into a container and mix well. If you shake too hard, it can foam so be careful. Use the amount that you typically would in the wash. I put it in my Downy ball. And it works!!
*A quick tip - Put the ingredient list on the side of the container you used, so you can remember for next time.
As far as saving money on electricity, what I try to do is hang up at least one load of laundry a day. In the summer I put the clothes on the clothes line outside, but in the winter, it's a little tricky. In the winter I put at least one load a day on my drying rack downstairs. It takes about 12 hours to dry, and cuts the electricity I would have used with my dryer in half. It's really not that time consuming, and saves money!
A special thanks to CaliKim29 on YouTube for the fabric softener recipe!!
I hope I have helped inspire you to save money on laundry!! Happy savings!