The kids and I had a blast making homemade snow. But one of the best parts of this activity was the cost, only $.50!!
What we did: Mix together 1/2 cup of conditioner to 3 cups of baking soda.
(The baking soda was purchased today at Stop and Shop - a 32oz. box was on sale for $1. The conditioner was purchased at Stop and Shop and couple months ago, and was free with coupons.)
I mixed the conditioner and the baking soda together in a baking pan with a rubber scrapper. It mixed together quickly, and became a crumbly texture.
It really was fun! We used every utensil in my drawer - including measuring cups and spoons, a wooden spoon, potato masher, and cookie cutters. It was a cool texture; gritty like baking soda but the conditioner made it smooth. It actually stuck together - we were able to make snow balls and attempted to make a snow man, but my litltle one kept smashing it before I was able to take a picture!
The clean-up was ok. I wiped the table down, but had to spray it with Fantastic because the baking soda left a gritty film behind. A word of advice - don't try and sweep it up off the floor, it will stick to your broom! This one you have to get down and wipe it up. But totally worth it!
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