Monday, February 16, 2015

Top 5 Reasons I Coupon

Over the past couple of years, couponing has become part of my lifestyle.  I don't buy it unless I have a coupon!  Since I don't work outside of the home, my job is to stretch the money we do have as far as it will go!

Here are the Top 5 Reasons I Coupon:

1. Saving Money.  This is probably the most obvious reason.  On an average grocery trip I spend about $100-$150 and save at least $30-$40 with my coupons!  Check out my favorite coupon match-up site,

2.  Stretching my Money.  Couponing allows me to stretch the money we have as far as possible.  As long as I am purchasing healthy food my family will eat, couponing allows me to buy more food at a lower cost out of pocket.

3.  The Thrill.  So this might sound kind of funny to non-couponers, but couponers know what I mean!  Since going to Las Vegas is out of the question right now, when I hand the cashier my stack of coupons, and I see the numbers go down on the register it is honestly exciting!  What's really cool, is when people stop and stare to see how low your bill gets!  I find it empowering that even though I'm not earning a paycheck, I can still contribute financially, by purchasing more food with coupons.

4.  My Own Time.  I know this may sound strange, but when I coupon or grocery shop, it's my time.  No kids, no distractions; just alone with my own thoughts and hand full of coupons!  I try and coupon at night after the kids go to sleep, and I always shop alone.

5.  Money for Other Things.  Since I am always saving money and couponing, I usually have a little bit of money set aside to splurge.  Going out to eat, for ice-cream or to a movie is possible because of couponing. 

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