Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow Paint

Looking for something to do with your little ones on a cold, snowy day?  Why not "paint" snow inside!

My 3 year-old had a blast "painting" snow at our kitchen table yesterday.  What you will need:

Container to hold the snow (preferable plastic)
Food coloring
Paint brushes

I took a glass baking dish (because my plastic containers were dirty in the sink!), and filled it with snow.  Then I took blue, red and green food coloring, placed the colors in separate bowls and mixed with water. 

My 3 year-old had so much fun sitting as the kitchen table "painting" the snow.  He sat there for about a 1/2 hour painting, mixing the colors and then playing with his hands. 

This was a fun snowy day project that allowed us to stay inside, when all my little guy wanted to do was play outside in the freezing cold! :)  Hope you and your little ones have fun as well!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gluten Free Coupons 1/22/15

Are you or someone you know on a Gluten Free diet?  If so, they you know how expensive Gluten Free products can be.  Both my sister and my mother have Celiac Disease, so I know how expensive buying Gluten Free is first hand.

Below are coupons for Gluten Free products, that will be able to help both you and your wallet while grocery shopping this week!  Happy Savings!!

*Udi's Coupon - $1/1 Udi's Product


*Rudi's Coupon - $1/1 Rudi's Product


*Glutino Coupon - $1/1 Glutino Product


*Crunchmaster Gluten Free Crackers - $1/1 Crunchmaster product


* Krusteaz Gluten Free Baking Mixes - $1/1 Krusteaz Gluten Free Product


*Bob's Red Mill (Lots of Gluten Free Products) - $1/1 Gluten Free Product


Monday, January 19, 2015

Stop and Shop

I ran to Stop and Shop this afternoon with my two little ones.  Needless to say, it wasn't the most relaxing shopping trip! 

I did get some good deals though.  My total was only $10.53!  There were lots of good clearance and discontinued items.

Here's my breakdown:

*(6)Angel Soft Bath Tissue: On sale for $.88.  Used $1/2 from the 1/4 RP.  Final Cost $.38 each!


*Stop and Shop Tissues: On sale for $.99.  Used $.50/1 e-coupon from https://stopandshop.com/login/.  Final cost $.49.

*CLEAR Scalp and Hair Shampoo: On clearance for $2.74.  Used $2/1 from 1/4 RP.  Final cost $.74!


*Care one 2 in 1 Kids Shampoo: On Clearance for $1.09.

*(2)Cascadia Organic Frozen Vegetables: On sale for $2.69.  Used $.75/1 from http://www.everydaysaver.com/#&panel1-1.  Final cost $1.19.

*(4) Barilla Vegetable Pasta: On sale for $1.00.  Used $.75/2 from coupons.com.  Final cost $.25 each!

*Stop and Shop Canned Peaches: On sale for $1.49.  Used $.50/1 e-coupon from https://stopandshop.com/login/.  Final Cost $.99.

Froot Loop Bird Feeder

On days that we have nothing planned, and the checking account is looking bleak, I try and find some crafts that we can do by using things I already have around the house.

A couple weeks ago I scored some Froot Loops at Stop and Shop for only $.50 a box. They love it - it's a great way to do something fun and inexpensive, but the kids do eat as much as they can when I turn my back!!  Toddlers are quick!!

My 3 year-old and I talked about what to do, and we came up with an idea to feed the birds.  I decided to take some string from the garage and we could practice threading the Fruit Loops on to it.

I put a little piece of tape at the bottom of the string so it was easier to put the Fruit Loops on the string.

We did pretty good!  It took about a 1/2 hour, and some help from mom, but it was fun.  We practiced counting, and talked about all the different colors.

We then put it in the tree and the backyard and watched the squirrels and birds have an afternoon snack!

It's so great when you can do an activity with things you already have around the house.  Hope I have inspired you to do the same!!  Have Fun!! :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top 5 Reasons You Can't Coupon with a Toddler

Using coupons in a grocery store takes time, patience and thought.  Finding the coupon, matching it to the correct product and then making sure it rings up correctly really is a job in itself!  However, you throw a toddler into this mix, and it isn't pretty - I know this for a fact!! :)

Here are my Top 5 reasons you can't coupon with a toddler:

1.  You Can't Think!  This may be the most obvious reason, and I really don't think any more explanation is needed! :)

2.  They Throw Coupons.  Toddlers little hands are always busy, and whatever they get their hands on goes flying!  However, if your coupons are flying, it's better then the eggs!

3.  Unwanted Items in the Cart.  When you have a specific budget, and are using specific coupons, it can be frustrating when you get the checkout and find 5 containers of open tic-tacs in the bottom of your cart, and they are always the flavor that your toddler loves!  Whoever decided to put candy by the check-out is an evil genius! :)

4.  5 Minutes Doesn't Cut It.  Since most toddlers have about a 5 minute attention span shopping, couponing and toddlers just isn't a good idea!  Distracting them with goldfish, or crackers might buy you a couple minutes, but it's never long enough!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

CVS Christmas Clearance

CVS Christmas clearance is now 90% off!!  I ran to CVS this morning, and the signs said 75%, but it was ringing up 90% off.  Woohoo!

My total for everything below was $20.94 - I saved $190.14!!!

Here's the breakdown:

(2) Peppermint shower gels - $.39 each
(6) Hand sanitizer gels - $.29 each
(1) Bear Ornament - $.69
(3) Tea Light Lantern - $.59 each
(3) Coaster sets - $.49 each
(2) Christmas Dog Chew Toys - $.49 each
(1) 24 count Christmas bows - $.49
(1) Hallmark tissue paper - $.19
(1) Activity pad with stickers - $.29
(1) Erasable tablet - $.29
(1) Solar Activating Snowman - $.49
(1) 14" Owl Pillow - $1.29
(1) 7.5" Decorative Owl - $.99
(2) 6 pack Shirt Boxes - $.59 each
(7) 8 pack of assorted boxes - $.59 each
(2) 80 count roll of gift tags - $.29 each
(1) sequin tissue paper - $.29
(1) 3 pack of Frozen ring pops - $.13
(1) M&M Rock Star - $.69
(2) Bags of Reeses Mini Bells - $.39
(5) Bags of Snowmen Chocolate Balls - $.09

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Quick run to Stop and Shop

Quick run to Stop and Shop last night.  Total $8.50!

Here's the breakdown:

*(2) Go-Go Squeeze $2 - used $.75/1 from https://www.facebook.com/GoGo.squeeZ/app_204321749589854  (Final Price $.50 each).

*(2) New England Coffee K-Cups (12 count) $5 - used $2.50/2 from 12/7 RP.  (Final Price $3.75 each).

Homemade Snow Icecream

Living in New England, you never know what the weather is going to throw at you!  This week has been freezing cold and snowy.  It's so cold, that you can only play outside for a few minutes, which can be very frustrating to a 2 year-old who never wants to come inside!

So yesterday, we did a fun snow activity inside.  We made homemade snow ice-cream!  Here is the recipe.


1 Cup of Milk
1/2 Cup of Sugar
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
6-7 cups of light fluffy snow

Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla in a bowl, and mix well.  (Cleaning up the spills in between!)

Then add the snow a little at a time until it becomes an "ice-cream" consistency.  It melts quickly - so make sure to eat right away!! 

My 2 year-old loved doing this!  We counted, measured and talked about the difference between hot and cold.  It's so great when they are having fun and learning at the same time!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Special K Protein Cereal

AWESOME deal on Special K Protein cereal at Stop and Shop!!  All 4 boxes cost me $.36 in total - that's $.09 a box!!  How crazy is that!

Here's the breakdown:

The cereal was on sale for $2.49 each.  If you buy 4 you get $4 off instantly - which makes it $1.49 each.  Then use (4) $.70/1 coupons from coupons.com.  (You'll need 2 devices to print all 4 coupons - or a good friend!)  Which makes it only $.09 a box!!  Woohoo!

Plus the cereal tastes way better when it's this cheap! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Rite Aid Christmas Clearance

Rite Aid Christmas clearance is now 75% off.  There was a ton of stuff left, including toys, games, wrapping paper, candles, etc.

But make sure to look around the store, there are also some hidden clearance items.  Like 75% of Chia Pets, fragrance sets and blankets!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

10 Tips to Being a Great Couponer

Saving money on groceries is one of the easiest ways I save money!!  With all of the coupon match-up sites available today, it really is easier then it has ever been.  I have been couponing for about 4 years now, and have been able to consistently cut my grocery bill down by at least 25%.

Here are my 10 Tips to being a GREAT Couponer: 

1. Plan
  • Go to the grocery store with a clear plan and a list.  Know exactly what you need and how much you are going to spend. 
2.  Give yourself time to plan
  • Planning for a grocery trip with coupons takes time.  I spend about 30 minutes every evening searching for deals and cutting coupons.  You need time to evaluate what you need for the week and learn what is available to you on sale.
3.  Have a budget
  • Have a weekly grocery budget, and don't budge!  Try and buy as much as you on sale, and stockpile any extras. 
4.  Keep your coupons organized at home and at the store
  • Staying organized is key!  I take the inserts out of the paper, and file them by date.  As I need them, I find them and then clip the coupons for a specific trip.  I then have them organized in an envelope as I go through the grocery store.  If you're not organized, you'll never be able to find the right coupon!
5.  Find your favorite coupon matchup site and check often  
  • My favorite coupon match-up site is livingrichwithcoupons.com, it gives you a list of what is on sale at specific grocery stores and pharmacies.  It then tells you what coupons correspond with the sale items.  They really do all of the hard work for you!  
  • During the week different coupon match-ups are added; and a lot of times it is worth going back to a store to get a cheap or even a free item with coupons.
6.  Be flexible...only buy what's on sale 
  •  Try and adjust your family meals to what is on sale.  If there's a good sale on chicken buy a lot of it, and put it in the freezer.  But always stick to your budget!
7.  Get a Raincheck...don't get discouraged
  • A lot of times stores run out of a sale item quickly, especially if you are able to get it cheap with a coupon.  However, most stores will give you a raincheck, either at the customer service desk or right at the register.  The following week, once the sale ends, the item is typically fully stocked again.
8.  Have a stockpile area
  • Create a space in your home to put all of your extra groceries.  Make it visible, and check it often.  This way you will know what you have in your home, and what you need. 
    9.  No children allowed!
    • Grocery shopping with young children is never an easy task.  Grocery shopping with coupons and kids is almost impossible!  You need to stay on task and buy what's on your list, and that's not always easy with little ones.  Try and schedule a time where you can go shopping by yourself, even if it's late at night or early in the morning - that's what I do
    10.  Donate!  
    • Finally, if there's a good deal, and you can stay within your budget, try and donate as much as you can.  Make friends with the people at your local food pantry and find out what they need.  Once you build up your stockpile, you will love being able to donate to those in need!

    Friday, January 2, 2015

    Walmart Christmas Clearance - 75% off!

    I ran to Walmart last night to check out the Christmas clearance and it was marked down to 75% off - woohoo!!  A lot items were not coming up on the price checker 75% off - but when I got to the register I was told that they are still marking things down, and that they were instructed to just take it off at the register!  Do don't get discouraged if you check it and it's not coming up at 75% off - but make sure to check EVERYTHING as they ring it up!

    There was a ton of stuff left!!  Check out some of my pictures:

    Dollar Tree

    I took a quick run to the Dollar Tree yesterday and they had their Christmas clearance marked down to 50% off.  I had my 2 kids with my so it was a VERY quick trip!! 

    They had a huge section of "Christmas" wrapping paper 50% off, but a lot of it was not even Christmas.  I scored 2 roles of Jack and The Neverland Pirate paper for some upcoming birthdays!!  They also had Frozen paper, Dora, and Scooby Doo - that was not for Christmas!